Hospitals are home to a variety of medical practices, each with their own unique needs. Each practice has a number of rooms that house specialty equipment. Equipping your hospital with medical computers that can be adapted to these specialty situations can be a challenge. But with Tangent medical computers, your hospital’s workstations can be easily […]
Month: May 2021
Medical Computers
What are medical computers?
Medical Computer
Medical Computer. Description of a medical computer. What is a medical computer?

3 Uses For All-In-One Medical Computers In The Hospital
The needs of each hospital are ever changing. A workflow that worked last year may not the next. This pandemic has shown that hospitals need the ability to adapt at a moment’s notice. Hospitals can easily adapt to new circumstances with Tangent all-in-one medical computers. Tangent medical computers are designed to be customizable for any […]

Better Internal Communication In Hospitals With Medical Tablets
The medical industry has made many strides in their approach to workflows to combat this pandemic. However there are still a number of areas for hospitals to improve. Communication is one such area. There are few other places where communication is as critical to outcomes as the hospital. Everything from proper diagnoses, medication, and caregiving […]

Mobile Workflows With Medical Computers
It’s been many years since congress has mandated hospitals to begin using medical computers to keep track of medical records. The resultant electronic medical records (EMRs) softwares that have emerged have been a productivity boom for the medical industry. EMRs are a safe and quick way for doctors to record and observe their patient’s medical […]

Better Vaccination Sites With Medical Computers
Vaccinations in the U.S. have been progressing steadily for some time. But new numbers show a worrying decline in new vaccinations in the last few days. People who are reluctant or uniformed are opting to put off getting vaccinated for many reasons. While hospitals cannot address every one of their patient’s concerns, there are ways […]