Computer Redundancy: A Matter of Life or Death in Medical Environments For most people, a power outage constitutes a moderate inconvenience. Cooking dinner or watching TV is out of the question for a few hours, but soon enough life returns to normal with little consequence. For a medical facility, however, a power outage can be quite […]
Month: October 2018

The Importance of Business Grade Tablets
Business vs Consumer Tablets : Know the Difference The claim of 10-hour battery life on most newer tablet computers sounds pretty good, but there’s a few striking caveats to those promises, and quite a few other issues with those systems that make them poor choices as business machines. For one, most consumer tablets are […]

Computer Arm Mounts Increase Efficiency
Computer Arm Mounts Increase Efficiency A medical charting station sounds like a pretty high end technical workstation, but for the longest time, it simply meant a wooden or metal cabinet or desk built into a wall of a clinical room that held physical medical charts. It was space efficient, yes, but hardly any wonder of […]

A Firewall for Your Finger Tips
A Firewall for Your Finger Tips We spend quite a bit of time discussing sanitation on medical computers and monitors, but we’d be remiss to not center some of the spotlight on the computer component that not only provides access to the system but also experiences most of the physical contact: the keyboard. In medical […]