Software Licensing Compliance Tool

Software License Management (SLM) involves centrally managing software licenses across an organization. A software license is a legal document issued by publishers or distributors, outlining rules for software usage. The SLM system, a subset of software asset management, includes tracking, documenting, and controlling software usage. It aids in compliance with end-user license agreements (EULA), notifying users about license status, and facilitating adherence to license agreements.

What is Software non-compliance?

Software non-compliance refers to violating software license terms, such as unauthorized use, exceeding allowed installations, or commercial use without proper licensing. Consequences include legal action and financial penalties. Understanding and adhering to license terms is crucial.

SLM tools, as part of IT asset management, offer features like Up-To-Date Software Inventory, Software License Compliance Reports, and Software License Compliance Alerts. They provide real-time visibility, compliance reports, and alerts on license usage dynamics.

To maintain compliance, software license management involves steps like discovering installed software, inputting and storing license details, scheduling reports, and grouping software versions. Types of licenses include proprietary (commercial) and free and open source (non-commercial), each with varying degrees of restrictiveness.

Businesses must be software license compliant to avoid legal consequences and reputation damage. License compliance tools help maintain compliance by conducting software audits, grouping editions, configuring alerts, and utilizing software metering for usage tracking.

Achieving software license compliance involves building an inventory, using license management tools, grouping software editions, configuring alerts, and using software metering for usage tracking. Benefits include cost savings, avoiding fines, and efficient license monitoring.

Software compliance ensures adherence to purchased software rules. SLM systems provide a single console for compliance, with 69% of IT executives lacking confidence in their compliance. Maintaining an up-to-date software inventory, real-time alerts, blocking non-business applications, and internal audits are essential for compliance.

Achieving software license compliance involves monitoring commercial application usage, reducing costs by uninstalling unused applications, and renewing licenses based on usage statistics. Consistent monitoring and optimization are key aspects of effective software license management.

Cubes Software License Tool
DoSoftwareLicenses Expire?

Do Software Licenses Expire?

In the ever-evolving realm of software licensing, questions often arise regarding the expiration of software licenses. In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of software license expiration, shedding light on the importance of Software License Management (SLM) and how it plays a pivotal role in keeping track of due dates.

Understanding Software License Expiration:

Software licenses typically come with a finite lifespan, commonly referred to as an expiration date. The expiration date signifies the period during which the software is licensed for use. After this date, the license may need renewal to continue enjoying uninterrupted access to the software.

5 Significant Software License Management Features(SLM):

  1. Tracking Expiry Dates: SLM tools provide a centralized platform for tracking the expiration dates of software licenses. This ensures that organizations are well-aware of impending renewals, preventing any disruptions in software usage.
  2. Automated Renewal Reminders: Leveraging SLM, organizations can set up automated renewal reminders. These timely notifications enable IT teams to initiate the renewal process in advance, avoiding last-minute rushes and potential lapses in licensing.
  3. Comprehensive Compliance Monitoring: SLM goes beyond tracking expiration dates; it facilitates comprehensive compliance monitoring. This includes ensuring that the software in use adheres to licensing terms and conditions, reducing the risk of legal implications.
  4. Centralized Visibility: With SLM, organizations benefit from a centralized dashboard that provides a holistic view of all software licenses. This visual representation aids in efficient monitoring and decision-making regarding license renewals.
  5. Efficient Resource Allocation: SLM tools help in optimizing resource allocation by identifying underutilized licenses and reallocating them where needed. This not only saves costs but also streamlines the overall software licensing landscape.

Ways to Navigating Software License Expiration:

  1. Stay Informed: Keep track of software license expiration dates and stay informed about the renewal process. SLM tools assist in maintaining a proactive stance towards license management.
  2. Utilize SLM Features: Explore the features offered by SLM tools, such as automated notifications, compliance checks, and centralized monitoring. These features empower organizations to efficiently navigate the complexities of software license expiration.
  3. Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of software licenses to identify any discrepancies or potential issues. This proactive approach ensures that organizations are well-prepared for upcoming expiration dates.

Cubes, Software License Manager to the Rescue

To simplify the process above and help monitor software license management expirations, we created Cubes.

Our cutting-edge SLM tool, can revolutionize the way businesses keep track of software license due dates.

Cubes, Innovative Features:

  1. Automated Due Date Alerts: Cubes excels in providing automated due date alerts, ensuring that organizations are promptly notified as software license expiration dates approach. This feature minimizes the risk of oversights and allows for proactive renewal management.
  2. Centralized Dashboard for Visibility: With Cubes, users benefit from a centralized dashboard that offers a comprehensive view of all software licenses in use. This visual representation enhances visibility, making it easier to monitor due dates, compliance status, and overall license health.
  3. Customizable Notifications: Cubes goes beyond generic alerts by offering customizable notification settings. Organizations can tailor notifications based on their specific requirements, allowing for a personalized and efficient approach to managing software license due dates.
  4. Real-time Compliance Monitoring: Cubes excels in real-time compliance monitoring, ensuring that software usage aligns with licensing terms and conditions. This proactive stance minimizes the risk of legal implications, providing organizations with peace of mind.
  5. Resource Optimization: Leveraging advanced analytics, Cubes assists organizations in optimizing resource allocation by identifying underutilized licenses. This data-driven approach enables efficient distribution of licenses, reducing costs and maximizing software usage.
  6. User-Friendly Interface: Cubes boasts a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for both IT professionals and non-technical users. The intuitive design streamlines the process of navigating through software licenses, making due date management a seamless experience.
  7. Comprehensive Reporting: Cubes provides detailed and customizable reports on software license status, usage patterns, and compliance metrics. These reports empower decision-makers with actionable insights, facilitating informed choices regarding license renewals and resource allocation.

You can try our free Demo Here

Understanding whether software licenses expire is crucial for effective Software License Management. By embracing SLM tools and practices, organizations can not only keep track of due dates but also ensure compliance, optimize resources, and navigate the dynamic landscape of software licensing with confidence. Stay informed, leverage SLM features, and embark on a journey towards streamlined and efficient software license management.

How to Manage Software Due Dates?

How Do You Keep Track of Software Due Dates?

Payroll software, graphic design software, Microsoft Suite solutions- the number of licenses your organization uses are aplenty! Keeping track of software due dates is crucial for businesses and organizations to ensure the seamless operation of their digital infrastructure. One key aspect of achieving this is through effective Software License Management (SLM). In this blog, we will explore the significance of SLM and provide insights into how it can help you stay on top of software due dates.

Understanding Software License Management:

Software License Management involves the systematic control and organization of software licenses within an organization. This process is essential for optimizing software usage, ensuring compliance with licensing agreements, and avoiding legal complications. By implementing a robust SLM strategy, businesses can efficiently manage their software assets, including monitoring expiration dates and renewal requirements.

The Role of SLM in Tracking Due Dates:

  1. Renewal Reminders: Software licenses come with expiration dates, and overlooking these dates can lead to disruptions in operations. SLM tools can send timely renewal reminders, ensuring that licenses are renewed promptly to avoid any downtime.
  2. Automated Notifications: SLM systems can be configured to send automated notifications as due dates approach. This proactive approach enables IT teams to plan and execute necessary actions well in advance.
  3. Centralized Dashboard: Utilizing a centralized dashboard provided by SLM tools allows organizations to have a consolidated view of all software licenses and their respective due dates. This visual representation facilitates easy monitoring and quick decision-making.
  4. Compliance Tracking: Software vendors often release updates or new versions, requiring organizations to stay compliant with their licensing terms. SLM solutions help in tracking these changes and ensuring that due dates for updates or new licenses are met.
  5. Risk Mitigation: Failure to comply with software licensing agreements can result in legal consequences and financial penalties. SLM serves as a proactive measure to mitigate these risks by providing real-time insights into the status of software licenses.

Implementing Effective Software License Management:

  1. Choose the Right SLM Tool: Selecting a suitable SLM tool that aligns with the organization’s needs is crucial. Look for features such as automated notifications, centralized monitoring, and compliance tracking.
  2. Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of software licenses to identify any discrepancies or non-compliance issues. This proactive approach helps in addressing potential problems before they escalate.
  3. Employee Training: Educate employees about the importance of adhering to software licensing agreements. Awareness programs can contribute to a culture of compliance within the organization.

Discover Cubes, Software License Solution

Cubes, is an innovative software license management solution designed to be easy to navigate and use. From Calendar, you can view your license due dates. From the dashboard, helpful insights such as monthly, annual or per-department software costs can be viewed. Generate reports easily, such as 2023 per-quarter company software costs.

Cubes, software license management dashboard

Demo Cubes today, HERE: DEMO

Effective Software License Management is the cornerstone of keeping track of software due dates. By leveraging SLM tools and strategies, organizations can ensure optimal software usage, stay compliant with licensing agreements, and mitigate the risks associated with non-compliance. Incorporate these practices into your IT management processes, and you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the dynamic landscape of software due dates.

SaaS License Management

What is SaaS License Mangement?

SaaS license management, a component of software asset management (SAM), specifically addresses cloud-based applications and services. With contemporary business heavily reliant on the cloud, there is an increased need for improved tracking and management options for both new and established SaaS products. SaaS management emerges as the solution to meet this demand, offering comprehensive tools and strategies to efficiently oversee and optimize the usage of cloud-centric applications and services.

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, where cloud-based applications play a pivotal role, effective management of Software as a Service (SaaS) licenses is paramount. SaaS License Management has emerged as a strategic discipline within Software Asset Management (SAM), catering specifically to the complexities of cloud-centric software. In this blog, we’ll delve into the fundamentals of SaaS License Management, exploring its importance, key components, and how businesses can leverage it to optimize their software usage and expenditures.

Understanding SaaS License Management: SaaS License Management involves the oversight, optimization, and compliance management of licenses for cloud-based applications and services. Unlike traditional software, SaaS operates on a subscription-based model, making it essential for organizations to track and manage licenses efficiently to ensure cost-effectiveness and compliance.

Key Components of SaaS License Management:

  1. Inventory and Discovery: The first step in SaaS License Management is to create a comprehensive inventory of all cloud-based applications in use within an organization. Automated discovery tools help identify and track software assets, providing an accurate starting point for license management.
  2. License Compliance: Ensuring compliance with licensing agreements is crucial to avoid legal and financial repercussions. SaaS License Management tools help monitor usage against contractual terms, alerting organizations to potential compliance issues and mitigating risks.
  3. Cost Optimization: SaaS License Management enables businesses to optimize costs by identifying underutilized licenses or negotiating better terms with vendors. This proactive approach ensures that organizations only pay for the services they need and use.
  4. User Access Management: Controlling user access is vital for security and compliance. SaaS License Management tools allow organizations to manage user permissions, ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to specific applications.
  5. Renewal Management: Subscription-based models require vigilant renewal management. SaaS License Management assists in tracking renewal dates, allowing organizations to plan and budget for license renewals in a timely manner.

The Importance of SaaS License Management:

  1. Cost Efficiency: SaaS License Management helps organizations optimize costs by preventing over-licensing and identifying opportunities for cost savings.
  2. Compliance and Risk Mitigation: Ensuring compliance with licensing agreements mitigates legal and financial risks associated with unauthorized software usage.
  3. Strategic Decision-Making: By providing insights into software usage and costs, SaaS License Management empowers organizations to make informed decisions about their software investments and vendor relationships.

Conclusion: As businesses continue to embrace cloud technologies, the need for effective SaaS License Management becomes increasingly critical. Proactively managing licenses not only ensures compliance and cost efficiency but also positions organizations to harness the full potential of their cloud-based applications. In a digital era where agility and optimization are key, SaaS License Management emerges as a strategic ally for businesses navigating the complexities of the cloud.

Software Asset Management

What is software asset management (SAM)?

Software Asset Management (SAM) is a strategic business practice that encompasses the efficient management of an organization’s software resources throughout their lifecycle. This comprehensive approach involves the acquisition, deployment, maintenance, utilization, and responsible disposal of software applications. In line with ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) standards, SAM is defined as the orchestration of infrastructure and processes essential for the effective management, control, and safeguarding of software assets.

At its core, SAM is designed to be an integral part of an organization’s information technology strategy. Its primary objectives include reducing IT costs, mitigating business and legal risks associated with software ownership and utilization, optimizing IT responsiveness, and enhancing end-user productivity. These objectives are crucial for organizations, especially large corporations, as they grapple with the complexities of software licenses, redistribution, and legal compliance.

SAM technologies play a pivotal role in tracking license expiration, enabling organizations to operate ethically and in adherence to software compliance regulations. This not only helps in minimizing legal expenses related to license agreement violations but also contributes to a company’s reputation management strategy, a vital facet of risk management and long-term business success for large corporations.

SAM, while essential, is just one facet of a broader discipline known as IT Asset Management, which encompasses both software and hardware resources that make up an organization’s computing and networking infrastructure.

Key Functions of SAM Within Organizations

The role of SAM within organizations can vary based on the organization’s software portfolio, IT infrastructure, available resources, and business goals. In most cases, SAM programs aim to strike a balance between the number of software licenses purchased and the actual licenses consumed. Beyond this fundamental goal, an effective SAM program ensures that software usage aligns with the terms and conditions specified in vendor license agreements. This is crucial for minimizing legal liabilities, especially in the event of an audit by a software vendor or third-party entities like the Business Software Alliance (BSA).

Broadly defined, the strategic goals of SAM often encompass:

Reducing software and support costs through volume contract negotiations and the elimination or reallocation of underutilized software licenses.

Enforcing compliance with corporate security policies and standards.

Enhancing worker productivity by deploying appropriate technology quickly and reliably.

Reducing overhead related to software management and support by streamlining and automating IT processes, including inventory tracking, software deployment, issue tracking, and patch management.

Establishing policies and procedures for the acquisition, documentation, deployment, usage, and retirement of software to achieve long-term SAM benefits.

Technology Enablers of SAM

SAM relies on several key technologies to support its core processes:

  • Software Inventory Tools: These tools intelligently discover and document software installations across the network, capturing vital information such as title, product ID, size, date, path, and version.
  • License Manager Solutions: These solutions act as intelligent repositories for license entitlements, enabling organizations to reconcile them against data collected by software inventory tools to determine their “Effective License Position.”
  • Software Metering Tools: These tools monitor software application usage across a network, providing real-time enforcement of compliance for applications licensed based on usage.
  • Application Control Tools: They restrict the execution of specific software applications on a computer, enhancing security and risk mitigation.
  • Software Deployment Tools: These tools automate and regulate the deployment of new software, ensuring consistency and efficiency.
  • Patch Management Tools: Automation of software patch deployment ensures that computers remain up-to-date, meeting security and efficiency standards.
  • Request Management Tools: These tools facilitate centralized requests for software products, capturing and assessing license requirements while managing and tracking procurement and deployment.
  • Product Catalog Tools: These tools gather essential product information, normalizing product naming conventions within the organization and facilitating integration with other SAM solutions.

Tangent has recently introduced its own Software Asset Management (SAM) solution, aptly named “Cubes.” In a move reminiscent of the SAM principles discussed earlier, Tangent has recognized the need to manage its software assets efficiently. Cubes, like the SAM technologies described in the previous content, serves as a tool for companies to gain better control over their software resources, reducing costs, ensuring compliance, and optimizing productivity.

Save time with License Manager

A Comprehensive Guide to Software Asset Management and License Management with Cubes

In today’s digital age, software plays a crucial role in the functioning of businesses across various industries. From managing finances to optimizing operations, software tools are essential for organizations to thrive. However, with the increasing reliance on software comes the challenge of managing software assets and licenses efficiently. That’s where Software Asset Management (SAM) and License Manager come into play.

What Is Software Asset Management (SAM)?

Software Asset Management, or SAM for short, is a strategic approach to managing and optimizing an organization’s software assets. It involves the processes, policies, and technologies necessary to oversee the procurement, deployment, utilization, and retirement of software applications within an organization.

SAM helps organizations ensure that they are using software licenses efficiently, reducing compliance risks, and controlling costs. It provides valuable insights into software usage, allowing businesses to make informed decisions about software investments and deployments.

The Importance of Software License Management

Software licenses are legal agreements between software vendors and organizations that outline the terms and conditions for using the software. Failing to manage software licenses effectively can lead to compliance issues, financial penalties, and reputational damage. This is where Software License Management (SLM) comes into play.

Software License Management is a subset of SAM, focusing specifically on tracking and managing software licenses. It involves monitoring license usage, ensuring compliance with license agreements, and optimizing license utilization to minimize costs.

Introducing License Manager: Streamlining SAM and SLM

License Manager is a dedicated software tool designed to simplify and streamline the processes of both Software Asset Management and Software License Management. This powerful solution offers several key benefits:

  1. Centralized Visibility: License Manager provides a centralized dashboard that allows organizations to gain complete visibility into their software assets and licenses. This visibility is crucial for tracking license usage, ensuring compliance, and making informed decisions about software procurement and retirement.
  2. Automation: License Manager automates many of the time-consuming tasks associated with SAM and SLM. It can automatically discover and inventory software assets, track license usage, and generate compliance reports. This automation saves time and reduces the risk of manual errors.
  3. Cost Optimization: With License Manager, organizations can identify underutilized or unused software licenses and reallocate them to areas where they are needed most. This optimization can result in significant cost savings.
  4. Compliance Assurance: License Manager helps organizations stay compliant with software license agreements by monitoring usage and alerting them to any potential compliance issues. This proactive approach can prevent costly penalties and legal disputes.
  5. Reporting and Analytics: License Manager offers robust reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing organizations to generate customized reports and gain valuable insights into their software assets and licenses.

In conclusion, Software Asset Management and Software License Management are essential components of responsible software governance. With the help of License Manager, organizations can unlock efficiency, reduce costs, ensure compliance, and make informed decisions about their software assets and licenses. Investing in SAM and SLM practices, supported by a tool like License Manager, is a smart strategy for any modern business looking to thrive in the digital landscape.

In today’s digital age, software plays a crucial role in the functioning of businesses across various industries. From managing finances to optimizing operations, software tools are essential for organizations to thrive. However, with the increasing reliance on software comes the challenge of managing software assets and licenses efficiently. That’s where Software Asset Management (SAM) and License Manager come into play.

What Is Software Asset Management (SAM)?

Software Asset Management, or SAM for short, is a strategic approach to managing and optimizing an organization’s software assets. It involves the processes, policies, and technologies necessary to oversee the procurement, deployment, utilization, and retirement of software applications within an organization.

SAM helps organizations ensure that they are using software licenses efficiently, reducing compliance risks, and controlling costs. It provides valuable insights into software usage, allowing businesses to make informed decisions about software investments and deployments.

The Importance of Software License Management

Software licenses are legal agreements between software vendors and organizations that outline the terms and conditions for using the software. Failing to manage software licenses effectively can lead to compliance issues, financial penalties, and reputational damage. This is where Software License Management (SLM) comes into play.

Software License Management is a subset of SAM, focusing specifically on tracking and managing software licenses. It involves monitoring license usage, ensuring compliance with license agreements, and optimizing license utilization to minimize costs.

Introducing License Manager: Streamlining SAM and SLM

License Manager is a dedicated software tool designed to simplify and streamline the processes of both Software Asset Management and Software License Management. This powerful solution offers several key benefits:

  1. Centralized Visibility: License Manager provides a centralized dashboard that allows organizations to gain complete visibility into their software assets and licenses. This visibility is crucial for tracking license usage, ensuring compliance, and making informed decisions about software procurement and retirement.
  2. Automation: License Manager automates many of the time-consuming tasks associated with SAM and SLM. It can automatically discover and inventory software assets, track license usage, and generate compliance reports. This automation saves time and reduces the risk of manual errors.
  3. Cost Optimization: With License Manager, organizations can identify underutilized or unused software licenses and reallocate them to areas where they are needed most. This optimization can result in significant cost savings.
  4. Compliance Assurance: License Manager helps organizations stay compliant with software license agreements by monitoring usage and alerting them to any potential compliance issues. This proactive approach can prevent costly penalties and legal disputes.
  5. Reporting and Analytics: License Manager offers robust reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing organizations to generate customized reports and gain valuable insights into their software assets and licenses.

In conclusion, Software Asset Management and Software License Management are essential components of responsible software governance. With the help of License Manager, organizations can unlock efficiency, reduce costs, ensure compliance, and make informed decisions about their software assets and licenses. Investing in SAM and SLM practices, supported by a tool like License Manager, is a smart strategy for any modern business looking to thrive in the digital landscape.

Software Asset Management Lifecycle

Software Asset Management Lifecycle

Have you ever wondered how much money you spend on unused or underutilized software licenses? Or how much risk the business is exposed to by not having a clear understanding of your software assets? It is time to learn about software asset management (SAM) life cycle.

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about the software asset management lifecycle, the benefits of implementing software asset management, and how to do it correctly. We’ll also highlight some of the challenges that organizations face when implementing software asset management and how you can prevent them.

So whether you’re just starting to learn about software asset management or you’re looking for ways to improve your organization’s software usage program, this article is for you.

Are you tired of the hassle of manually tracking your software licenses? 

Are you looking for a reliable software management solution to monitor your software assets? Do you want simplicity and excellence without breaking the bank? Cubes is the perfect solution to your needs! It is an affordable software license management solution that’s easy to use and packed with premium features to make the management process completely smooth, uncomplicated, and stress-free.

With Cubes you can easily manage your software licenses, track usage, expiration dates, and compliance with ease. Cubes also provide alerts and notifications to keep you up-to-date on your licenses.

Cubes software license manager logo

Here are just a few of the benefits of choosing Cubes:

  • Affordable: Cubes is a cost-effective solution that won’t break the bank.
  • Packed with features: Cubes includes a wide range of features, including centralized management, reliable alerts, and notifications, as well as automated reporting to help you manage your software licenses with ease.
  • Easy to use: Cubes is easy to use and can be set up in minutes.
  • Scalable: Cubes is scalable and can grow with your organization.
  • Secure: Cubes is protected by a secure framework to ensure your data is protected at all times.

Request a demo today to learn more about how Cubes can help you easily manage your software licenses.

What is Software Asset Management (SAM)?

SAM is the process of strategically overseeing and optimizing software assets from the moment of their acquisition to their eventual retirement. It involves comprehensive planning, utilization monitoring, and efficient license management. By maintaining an intelligent repository of software file information, SAM empowers organizations to deploy software, track inventory, and effectively manage licenses, all while mitigating legal risks and unnecessary costs.

It also includes managing software licenses, hardware asset management, software usage, software vendors, and asset management lifecycle stages.

Why is Software Asset Management Critical?

SAM facilitates effective management of software, deployments, and updates, improving operational efficiency across the board. It will empower your business to stay in control of its software resources and make informed decisions about new software acquisitions.

Some of the most important reasons why software asset management is critical for organizations include:

  • Risk mitigation: Good asset management strategy helps to mitigate the risk of security breaches and data loss. With good service management, your organization can reduce its risk of exposure to malware and other threats by tracking software assets and ensuring that they are properly patched and updated.
  • Compliance: Software license agreement often have strict requirements that must be met in order to remain compliant. However, a good SAM system helps track software assets and ensure that they are in compliance with licensing agreements.
  • Cost savings: SAM can help organizations save money by identifying and eliminating unused or underutilized software licenses. It can also help organizations to negotiate better software licensing terms with software vendors.
  • Improved efficiency: SAM can help organizations to improve the efficiency of their IT operations. By ensuring that software assets are properly utilized, organizations can reduce the amount of time and money that they spend on IT support.

The Phases of Software Asset Management Lifecycle

The Software Asset Management Lifecycle (SAM) is a framework that helps you to identify and manage the key phases of your software assets. By understanding these phases, you can improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your software asset management program.

1. Identifying the Need for the Software and Planning

This phase is critical as it lays the foundation for effective SAM processes.  It involves conducting internal audits and assessing the current software usage to identify the software that is needed, the number of licenses that are required, and the software’s intended use.

2. Acquiring Software Assets

Once the planning is complete, you can proceed with acquiring the necessary software licenses. This may involve negotiating with software vendors, understanding license entitlements, and ensuring compliance with licensing agreements. 

You may then proceed to purchase software licenses, lease the required software, or go for open-source software. Whatever the case, It is important to ensure that the software is deployed correctly and that end users are trained on how to use it effectively.

3. Utilizing Software Assets

After the acquisition, it’s time to put the software assets to work. This phase encompasses deploying software across relevant systems, training end-users for efficient utilization, and tracking license usage to avoid any non-compliance issues.

4. Maintaining and Monitoring the Software Assets

Softwares are not static; they require constant maintenance, updates, and patches to function optimally. Therefore once you have begun using the new software licenses, it becomes necessary for you to implement regular monitoring of software performance, installing updates as soon as they are available, and managing licenses so as to avoid any disruptions to your business operations.

5. Retire or Decommission the Software Assets

This is the last stage of the software asset management lifecycle. The time will definitely come when you must retire or decommission software that is no longer useful. This, of course, is done after assessing the usefulness of the software. It may involve uninstalling the software, deleting the software files, and returning the software licenses to the vendor.

Challenges of Software Asset Management

  • It may be daunting: Managing numerous software assets can be overwhelming without an efficient SAM system in place.  
  • Complex licensing agreements: Understanding and managing diverse license agreements can be a daunting task, leading to potential legal risks.
  • Tracking installed software: You may often struggle to keep track of all the software installed across your systems, leading to potential compliance issues.
  • Optimizing utilization: Underutilized software licenses can lead to unnecessary costs, impacting an organization’s budget.
  • Vendor management: Dealing with various software vendors can be time-consuming and challenging, affecting negotiation outcomes.
  • Compliance and audits: Ensuring compliance with license agreements and undergoing software audits can be resource-intensive and stressful.
  • Cost management: The total cost of software ownership can escalate if not managed properly, affecting the organization’s budget.


However, with a great software asset management system like Cubes, everything will be done seamlessly. The automated processes and centralized management makes software asset management a breeze. You enjoy automated audits, in-app license renewals, and more. Get a demo today to get started.

Benefits of Choosing a Good Software Asset Management Solution

Once you have chosen the right software asset management solution, you go on to enjoy a range of advantages and peace of mind to know that your licenses are secured, effectively managed, and protected from compliance issues. Here is a closer look at the benefits to expect:

  • Efficiency and cost savings: Optimizing software usage and managing licenses effectively lead to significant cost savings. It will also improve overall business operations.
  • Improved Productivity: Proper use of software resources can improve employee productivity. By making informed decisions about software acquisitions based on usage data and needs, businesses can ensure that their employees have the tools they need to be successful.
  • Risk control: Ensuring compliance and proper license management reduces legal and financial risks.
  • Enhanced Security: Regular updates and patch installations strengthen system security.
  • Better vendor relationships: Effective vendor management leads to favorable negotiation outcomes.
  • Transparency and Planning: SAM helps organizations align their software resources with their goals. This ensures that they are using the right software for the right tasks and that they are not wasting money on unused licenses.

Software Asset Management Best Practices

  • Choose the right SAM tools and solutions: There are a number of SAM tools and solutions on the market, so it’s important to choose the right ones for your needs. Consider your specific needs and requirements when making your decision. 
  • Implement a centralized SAM system to manage all software assets efficiently. Establish a single repository or platform that acts as the heart of your SAM system.
  • Use automated tools to keep track of software requests as well as all installed software and licenses. Leverage cutting-edge software asset management tools that automate mundane tasks like license tracking, renewal reminders, and audits.
  • Regularly monitor software usage to ensure compliance with license agreements. By tracking software usage, you can quickly identify areas where you might be over- or under-licensed. You can then take steps to optimize your license usage and ensure compliance.
  • Provide adequate training to end-users to maximize software utilization. It is also where you regularly conduct internal audits.

Following these best practices will allow you to improve your software asset management and achieve your SAM goals.

So are you ready to start?

Signup Now on Cubes to Start Managing Your Software Licenses with Ease

Are you tired of manually tracking your software licenses? Do you want to save money and improve compliance? If so, then you need to check out Cubes, the leading software license management solution.

Cubes make it easy to manage your software licenses in one place. You can track license usage, expiration dates, and compliance with ease. Cubes also provide alerts and notifications to keep you up-to-date on your licenses.

With Cubes, you can:

  • Identify underutilized licenses and optimize software usage.
  • Track software licenses in real-time.
  • Manage all software licenses from a centralized location.
  • Receive alerts and notifications about potential underutilization and expiring licenses.
  • Generate automated reports on license usage, allocation, and compliance.

Request a demo to learn more about how Cubes can help you manage your software licenses with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is software asset management the same as IT asset management?

A: No. While software asset management (SAM)  focuses specifically on managing software licenses and usage, IT asset management (ITAM)  covers a broader range of IT assets, including hardware and software.

Q: How will asset lifecycle management benefit my business organization? 

A: A good asset management system leads to cost savings, risk mitigation, increased efficiency, improved productivity, better decision-making, enhanced security, transparent software usage, vendor relationship improvements, and strategic planning.

Q: Why is Cubes the best tool for SAM? 

A: Cubes is the best tool for SAM due to its ease of use, comprehensive features covering all aspects of SAM, real-time updates on software usage and compliance, customizable reports for better decision-making, and excellent customer support.

Final Thoughts

Quality software asset management solution is a critical requirement for business organizations of all sizes. By implementing an efficient SAM program, you can avoid certain risks, improve compliance, save money, and improve efficiency.

For easy and reliable management of your software licenses, choose Cubes. With Cubes, you can fully track your software licenses, monitor usage, renew subscriptions, ensure compliance, and perform audits with only a few clicks. It is easy to use and can help you save money on your software costs. 

Why not get started with a demo right now? Contact Cubes today to discuss your specific needs: +1 800 342 9388

Software license Management Best Practices

Software License Management Best Practices

Software licenses can be a complex and confusing topic. But they’re also an important part of IT governance. By following a few simple best practices, you can ensure that your organization is compliant with software license agreements and that you’re not wasting money on unused licenses.

In this article, we’ll provide you with the best practices for software license management and how to do it effectively without stress. So, if you’re looking to improve your software license management practices, keep reading to learn more. 

Are you looking for a simple, fast, and effective software license management solution?

If so, then Cubes SLM is the perfect solution for you. Cubes SLM is a cloud-based solution that helps you track, manage, and optimize your software licenses. Its comprehensive platform offers many features and benefits, helping organizations streamline their license management process and maximize their software investments. With Cubes SLM, you can:

  • Track your software licenses in real-time.
  • Identify underutilized licenses and optimize software usage.
  • Generate automated reports on license usage, allocation, and compliance.
  • Receive alerts and notifications about potential underutilization and expiring licenses.
  • Manage all software licenses from a centralized location.
Software License Management Cubes logo

Cubes SLM is easy to use, even for non-technical users. It is also scalable, so you can easily add new licenses as your organization grows.

Request a demo today to get started!

What is software license management?

Software license management refers to the process of tracking, controlling, and optimizing software licenses within an organization. It involves managing various aspects such as license agreements, usage policies, inventory, and compliance. By effectively managing software licenses, your business can avoid unnecessary expenses, maintain legal compliance, and maximize the value of its software investments. But it must be done right.

Why proper software license management is important?

Proper software license management is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, it ensures that an organization is using the software within the boundaries of its licensing agreements, preventing legal issues and potential fines. Secondly, it enables businesses to avoid over-purchasing or underutilizing licenses, resulting in significant cost savings. Additionally, effective license management provides valuable insights into software usage patterns, allowing organizations to make informed decisions about their software investments and optimize resource allocation.

Best practices for software license management

To make the most of your software licenses, consider adopting these best practices in your license management program:

1. Have an effective software license management strategy

A well-defined license management strategy is the foundation of efficient software asset management. It should outline clear objectives, roles, and responsibilities for license management within the organization. This strategy should align with the overall business strategy and take into account the specific software needs of different departments in your organization.

2. Establish Clear License Usage Policies and Guidelines

Setting clear and comprehensive license usage policies is vital to avoid misuse and non-compliance.

These policies should be communicated to all employees to ensure everyone understands their responsibilities regarding software usage. Regular training and reminders can reinforce compliance and create a culture of license responsibility.

3. Conducting Regular Software Audits

You must make software audits a regular practice to avoid being caught unawares. Regular audits will help you to verify license compliance and identify any discrepancies. By conducting internal audits and comparing licensing documents with the software installed, your organizations can detect and rectify any non-compliance issues before they become significant problems.

4. Catalog and Organize Your Software Inventory

Maintaining a central license inventory with accurate information about each software asset helps you keep track of licenses more effectively. This catalog should include details like license types, entitlements, purchase dates, and maintenance contracts, providing a comprehensive overview of the software assets within your organization.

5. Determine Software Usage

Understanding how software is being used is critical for optimizing license usage and identifying opportunities for cost savings. Gathering data through usage reports and automated processes can help IT teams deliver better enterprise software license management, make informed decisions on license allocation and eliminate unnecessary expenses.

6. Ensure Your Software Licenses Are Always Up to Date

Keeping track of license expirations and renewal dates is essential to maintain compliance. Failing to renew licenses on time can result in costly service fees or even temporary disruptions in software access, affecting business operations. This is definitely something you would want to avoid.

7. Use Software Utilizing License Management Tools and Solutions

Leveraging software license management solutions can significantly streamline the license management process. Automated solutions can help monitor licenses, track usage, and generate reports, saving time and reducing the risk of manual errors. This way, you can accurately monitor your software licenses with no room for error. 

8. Negotiate Better Software License Agreements with Software Vendors

Engaging in constructive discussions with software vendors can lead to more favorable license agreements. Negotiating for flexible licensing models, such as floating licenses, can provide cost benefits and adaptability to your organization’s changing needs.

9. Device and Implement a Cost Control Strategy

A cost control strategy involves evaluating software spend, considering alternatives, and making informed decisions to optimize costs while meeting business priorities. This approach ensures that software investments align with the organization’s budget and goals.

10. Ensure Compliance

Maintaining compliance with licensing agreements and industry regulations is paramount. Regularly audit compliance and monitor any changes in licensing terms to avoid the risks associated with non-compliance.

With these software license management best practices, you will see your business, save a lot in license subscriptions, and avoid legal issues. 

The Importance of Software License Compliance

Proper software license compliance is crucial for organizations for several reasons:

  • Legal Obligations: Compliance ensures that your organization is using software legally and ethically, avoiding the risk of legal action and penalties.
  • Cost Savings: By ensuring compliance, businesses avoid unnecessary costs associated with fines, penalties, and over-purchasing licenses.
  • Reputation and Trust: Compliance demonstrates a commitment to ethical practices, fostering trust with customers, partners, and stakeholders.

The Risks of Non-Compliance

Non-compliance can lead to severe consequences, including:

  • Fines and Penalties: Non-compliance with software licenses can result in hefty fines imposed by software vendors or regulatory authorities.
  • Damage to Reputation: Legal disputes and negative publicity from non-compliance can damage an organization’s reputation and impact customer trust.
  • Business Disruption: Non-compliance issues can lead to software disruptions, affecting daily operations and causing financial losses.

All these can be avoided by implementing a simple and effective software license management program. For better management,

Get Started With Cubes

Cubes Software License Management Solution is a comprehensive software license management platform that helps organizations streamline their license management process. With automated monitoring systems and user-friendly interfaces, Cubes ensures compliance, optimizes license usage, and provides cost evaluation insights. By centralizing license inventory and gathering historical data, Cubes helps businesses make data-driven decisions to maximize their software investments.

Here are some of the key benefits of using Cubes SLM:

  • Cost optimization: Cubes SLM enables you to identify underutilized licenses, helping you optimize software usage and significantly reduce costs.
  • Real-time license tracking: Stay up-to-date on license usage and expiration dates with Cubes SLM’s real-time tracking, ensuring compliance and preventing unnecessary expenses.
  • Centralized management: Simplify license management across multiple devices and users by handling all software licenses from one centralized location with Cubes SLM.
  • Automated reporting: Cubes SLM automates the generation of comprehensive reports on license usage, allocation, and compliance, empowering you to make informed decisions and optimize your software assets effectively.
  • Scalability: As your organization grows, Cubes SLM effortlessly accommodates new licenses, ensuring seamless scalability to meet your evolving needs.

Try Cubes today by requesting a DEMO and see how it can help you manage your software licenses better and save money on your software licensing costs!

Benefits of Cubes SLM to Your Organization

  • Enhanced Compliance: Cubes SLM ensures that your organization stays compliant with software license agreements, minimizing the risk of non-compliance.
  • Cost Savings: By optimizing software license usage and avoiding unnecessary purchases, Cubes helps you save on software spend.
  • Improved Resource Allocation: Accurate data on software usage allows you to allocate licenses according to business priorities, ensuring efficient resource utilization.
  • Streamlined Processes: With automated solutions, Cubes SLM solution reduces manual processes and saves time for IT teams, enabling them to focus on strategic tasks.
  • Elimination of Unused Licenses: Cubes SLM identifies unused licenses, allowing you to reclaim and reallocate them, maximizing your investment.

Request your DEMO to begin!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is software license management essential for businesses?

A: Software license management involves tracking, controlling, and optimizing software licenses within an organization. It is crucial for businesses to maintain compliance, control costs, and maximize software investments.

Q: What are the risks of non-compliance with software licenses?

A: Non-compliance can result in legal fines, damage to reputation, and disruptions to business operations. By following the software license management best practices discussed in this article, you can avoid that.

Q: How can my business ensure compliance with software licenses?

A: To ensure compliance, businesses should conduct regular audits, implement clear license usage policies, and use software license management tools.

Q: How does Cubes SLM optimize license usage?

A: Cubes software license management system provides insights into software usage patterns, helping businesses make data-driven decisions on license allocation.

Q: Is Cubes SLM suitable for organizations of all sizes?

A: Yes, the Cubes software license management tool is designed to benefit organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises.

Final Thoughts

A good software license management process is not just about staying compliant; it’s about unlocking the full potential of your software assets. By adopting best practices and leveraging tools like Cubes SLM, you will optimize license usage, control costs, and make data-driven decisions to fuel the success of your business in today’s technology-driven world. 

With proper software license management, businesses can focus on what matters most: growth, innovation, and staying ahead of the competition.

Contact us today to get started: +1 800 342 9388 If you have any questions about using Cubes, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Software license cost

Software Licensing Costs

Software licensing is a critical part of any IT environment. But it can also be a major expense. However, many businesses are left scratching their heads when it comes to software licensing costs. 

With so many different licensing options available, it can be tough to know which one is best for your business and how to spend less without reducing efficiency. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how software licensing fees work, factors that can affect the price, and how you can save money without sacrificing the software you need.

Are you tired of wasting money on software licenses you don’t need?

Cubes Software License Management (SLM) solution is what you need. Cubes is a powerful and easy-to-use SLM solution that can help you track your software usage, perform automated audits and optimize your license costs.

Try Cubes today and start saving money on your software licenses!

  • Enjoy centralized access and management of your software licenses.
  • Get accurate and up-to-date information on your software usage.
  • Identify unused or underused license usage.
  • Negotiate better deals with software vendors.
  • Renew license subscriptions with ease.
  • Stay compliant with software licensing terms.
  • Save time and money.

Get your demo today!

What Exactly is a Software License?

A software license is a legal agreement that grants you the right to access, use, and possess a software. It outlines the terms and conditions for the software’s usage and defines the scope of the rights granted to the user. The terms of the license will vary depending on the software vendor, but they typically include the number of users who can use the software, the number of devices on which the software can be installed, and the duration of the license.

Software licenses come in various forms, and understanding them is crucial for making informed decisions that can optimize costs.

What are Software Licensing Fees? 

Software licensing fees represent the financial costs associated with obtaining a software license. Like the licenses, the fees also vary significantly based on factors such as the type of license, how many licenses, the number of users or devices covered, and the specific applications included. 

Types of Software Licensing Models

There are a number of different software licensing models, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common types of software licensing models include:

1. Concurrent Licensing 

Concurrent licensing allows a specified number of users to access the software simultaneously. It offers flexibility for businesses with a varying number of users at any given time.

2. Metered/Usage-Based Licensing

Metered licensing operates on a pay-as-you-go basis, where fees are based on actual usage data. This model is ideal for businesses with fluctuating software needs.

3. Perpetual Licensing 

Perpetual licensing grants users indefinite access to the software after a one-time purchase. It is a common model for enterprise software usage.

4. Floating Licensing 

Floating licensing permits users to share licenses across devices or users, promoting cost efficiency and flexibility.

5. Subscription-Based Licensing 

Subscription licenses involve paying regular fees for access to the software over a specific period. It provides the advantage of continuous updates and support.

6. Token-Based Licensing 

Token-based licensing assigns a value (tokens) to different software features, and users spend tokens based on the features they access.

These are the major types of software licenses, and their fees model varies accordingly.

Factors that Can Affect Software Licensing Costs

You spend the current amount you do on software licenses as a result of certain determining factors mentioned below:

  • The Software Vendor: The choice of software vendor plays a crucial role in determining licensing costs. Different vendors often employ unique pricing structures, making comparing and contrasting their offerings essential. Some vendors might offer flexible subscription models, while others may follow a one-time payment approach. Additionally, the reputation, support, and updates of the vendor can impact the license’s overall value.
  • The Number of Users: The number of users requiring software access directly affects licensing costs. Vendors often offer tiered pricing based on the number of users. You must carefully assess your current and future user requirements to choose the most cost-effective plan. Scaling up the number of users may incur additional expenses, so it’s crucial to factor in potential growth when deciding on a license type.
  • The Number of Devices: When software needs to be used across multiple devices, the licensing costs may increase accordingly. Some vendors offer per-device licensing, while others may have a device-independent model. Depending on your organization’s setup and the degree of mobility required, selecting the right licensing scheme can significantly affect cost optimization.
  • The Software Applications You Use: Software suites often consist of various applications with differing levels of complexity and functionality. The licensing fees can vary based on the specific applications you need to access. High-end applications with advanced features may come with higher costs, while basic packages might be more affordable. 

With this knowledge, you can devise a tailored licensing strategy that not only fits your budget but also maximizes the value and efficiency of your software investments. 

How to Reduce Software Licensing Costs 

While reducing license costs is essential, it actually requires a thoughtful approach and proactive strategies. Here are some effective tips to optimize licensing expenses:

1. Evaluate Software Usage 

Analyzing software usage data can reveal insights into which licenses are essential and which can be scaled back or discontinued.

2. Consolidate Your Licenses 

Consolidating licenses and opting for enterprise-wide agreements can lead to cost savings.

3. Negotiate Better Deals with Vendors 

Negotiating with software vendors can result in more favorable licensing terms and conditions.

4. Use Open Source Software 

Leveraging open-source software can reduce licensing costs significantly.

5. Invest in Training 

Training employees to make the most of software features can improve efficiency and reduce the need for additional licenses.

The Risks of Not Effectively Managing Your Software Licensing Costs 

Mismanagement of software licenses can have severe repercussions. Here are some of the risks:

1. Non-Compliance

Software vendors typically have strict licensing terms and conditions. If an organization does not comply with these terms, it could face legal action from the vendor. This could result in hefty fines, as well as damage to the organization’s reputation.

2. Production and Supply Disruptions 

Inadequate licensing can disrupt critical business processes and lead to operational inefficiencies. For example, if an organization does not have enough licenses for a particular software application, employees may not be able to access the application when they need it. This could lead to production delays, missed customer deadlines, and other problems.

3. Financial Penalties 

Mismanaging licenses can result in unexpected costs, impacting the organization’s budget. For example, an organization may overpay for licenses if it does not have a good understanding of its software usage. Or, it may be underpaying for licenses if it is not tracking its usage accurately.

4. Security Vulnerabilities 

Using unlicensed or outdated software can expose an organization to security threats as there will be no software support from the software developers. This is because unlicensed software may not have been properly patched, which could leave it vulnerable to attack. Outdated software tools may also contain known security vulnerabilities that have not been fixed.

The Best Way to Manage Software Licensing Costs

To effectively manage software licensing costs, implementing a Software License Management (SLM) solution is crucial. Cubes offers a top-tier SLM solution that empowers businesses to take control of their software licensing processes.

Choose Cubes Software License Management (SLM) Solution

Do you want to save cost by automating your software license management? Then you need to choose Cubes Software License Management (SLM) solution.

Cubes is a powerful and intuitive SLM solution that can help you track your software usage and optimize cost, ensure compliance, and help you avoid issues.

With Cubes, you can:

  • Get accurate and up-to-date information on your software usage.
  • Save time and money on purchased licenses.
  • Identify unused licenses and consolidate them into a single license.
  • Negotiate better deals with software vendors.
  • Constant license compliance with software licensing terms.

So what are you waiting for?

Request a demo today and start saving money on your software licenses!

Why You Should Choose Cubes

Cubes stands out for its user-friendly interface, powerful analytics, and exceptional customer support. It is the perfect ally for businesses seeking to achieve cost-efficient and compliant software licensing. With Cubes, you have nothing to worry about as it is:

  • Accurate and reliable.
  • Smooth software license optimization.
  • Easy to use.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Secure.
  • Scalable.

Get started today! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can software audits impact licensing costs? 

A: Software audits can reveal non-compliance, leading to penalties and increased licensing fees.

Q: What steps should businesses take to prepare for a software audit? 

A: Conduct regular internal audits, maintain accurate records, and implement a robust SLM solution.

Q: What should be considered when negotiating licensing deals? 

A: You should focus on long-term agreements, scalability, and flexible terms.

Q: How can open-source software benefit businesses? 

A: Open-source software is often free software ownership, reducing licensing costs and promoting customization.

Final Thoughts 

Taking charge of software licensing costs is a strategic move that propels businesses toward a more successful future in the digital age. Optimizing software costs is not just about budget management; it’s about unlocking the full potential of technology for your organization. By evaluating usage and implementing the right SLM solution like Cubes, your organization can achieve cost-efficiency, compliance, and increased productivity.

Get your DEMO today to test the power and efficiency of CUBES!

Difference between ASM and SAM

The Difference Between AMS (Asset Management Software) and SAM (Software Asset Management)?

Asset management software, is a tool designed to help businesses and organizations track and manage their physical and digital assets throughout their lifecycle. These assets can include tangible items such as computers, office equipment, machinery, vehicles, and furniture, as well as intangible assets like software licenses, patents, and warranties.

The primary functions of Asset Management Software typically include:

Asset tracking:

The software allows users to create a centralized database of all assets, including relevant information such as serial numbers, purchase dates, warranty details, and location. This tracking capability ensures that assets can be easily located and identified.

Asset lifecycle management:

It helps manage assets from acquisition to disposal. Users can track asset depreciation, maintenance schedules, and assess when an asset is due for replacement or retirement.

Maintenance scheduling:

The software enables users to schedule and track maintenance tasks for assets. Regular maintenance can extend an asset’s lifespan, prevent breakdowns, and reduce downtime.

Procurement management:

It assists in the procurement process by providing insights into which assets are needed, their costs, and supplier information.

Risk and compliance management:

Asset management software can aid in ensuring that assets adhere to regulatory and compliance requirements, especially for industries with specific guidelines.

Reporting and analytics:

It generates reports and provides analytics to offer insights into asset utilization, depreciation, maintenance costs, and other crucial metrics for making informed decisions.

Integration and automation:

Many asset management systems integrate with other business software like accounting, ERP, or CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) to streamline processes and reduce manual data entry.

Overall, asset management software (AMS) plays a vital role in optimizing asset utilization, reducing downtime, controlling costs, and improving operational efficiency for businesses and organizations of all sizes.

What is Software Asset Management (SAM)?

Software Asset Management, or SAM, refers to the comprehensive process of strategically managing an organization’s software assets throughout their entire lifecycle. This involves acquiring, deploying, tracking, maintaining, and disposing of software licenses efficiently. The primary goal of SAM is to ensure that an organization’s software assets are optimized, compliant with licensing agreements, and aligned with business needs.

Key Components of SAM:

Reporting and Analytics:

SAM generates valuable reports and analytics, offering insights into software usage, license compliance, cost optimization, and future planning.

Inventory and Discovery:

The first step in SAM involves creating an accurate and up-to-date inventory of all software assets across the organization. This includes installed applications, licenses, versions, and related hardware.

License Management:

SAM entails tracking software licenses and ensuring compliance with vendor agreements. By carefully monitoring license usage, organizations can avoid unnecessary costs, potential legal issues, and penalties.

Software Usage Monitoring:

SAM tools enable organizations to monitor how employees use software applications. This data helps identify underused or unused licenses and provides insights to optimize license allocation.

Contract Management:

SAM involves maintaining a centralized repository of all software-related contracts and agreements. This allows organizations to keep track of renewal dates, terms, and conditions, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

Security and Patch Management:

Keeping software up-to-date with the latest security patches is crucial for protecting against potential vulnerabilities and cyber threats. SAM plays a vital role in ensuring timely updates and maintenance.

Difference between AMS and SAM:

Asset Management System (AMS) and Software Asset Management (SAM) are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion. However, they are distinct concepts with different focuses:

Scope of Assets Managed:

AMS covers a broader range of assets, including physical assets such as hardware, equipment, and furniture. It extends beyond software to encompass the management of tangible and intangible assets in an organization.

On the other hand, SAM is specifically dedicated to managing software assets, including applications, licenses, and related documentation.

Complexity and Granularity:

AMS tends to be more complex and diverse since it handles various asset types, each with its unique attributes, lifecycles, and tracking methods.

SAM, while focused on software assets, dives deeper into complexities such as license compliance, version control, usage monitoring, and vendor-specific requirements.

Regulatory Compliance:

Both AMS and SAM involve compliance management, but SAM places a particular emphasis on software licensing agreements, which can have legal implications if not properly managed.

Software Asset Management (SAM) plays a critical role in helping organizations effectively manage their software assets. It ensures optimal usage, compliance, and cost-efficiency, while reducing the risks associated with software audits and non-compliance penalties. While similar in some aspects, Asset Management System (AMS) and SAM are not synonymous. AMS handles a broader range of physical and intangible assets, whereas SAM is dedicated solely to the management of software assets. Understanding the differences between these two concepts is essential for organizations seeking to implement robust asset management practices and achieve operational excellence in today’s digital era.

Cubes software license manager logo

Tangent has created a software asset management solution named Cubes.

A software asset management solution, or SAM, focuses strictly on managing digital software. SAM solutions are essential for organizations to assist in reducing spending, efficiently keep track of subscriptions, and easily capture software spending and utilization.

10 Reasons to Use a Software Asset Management (SAM) solution:

  • Comprehensive Asset Tracking: An effective SAM solution should offer robust asset tracking capabilities, allowing you to keep track of software assets throughout their lifecycle. This includes details like license information, versions, installations, and usage.
  • License Compliance and Optimization: A good SAM solution helps you maintain compliance with software licenses and ensures you are using software within the terms of your agreements. It can also help optimize license usage to minimize costs and avoid unnecessary purchases.
  • Cost Savings: By identifying underutilized licenses or software, a SAM solution can help you optimize your software spending and avoid unnecessary renewals or purchases.
  • Risk Mitigation: SAM solutions aid in identifying and mitigating potential security risks by ensuring all software is up-to-date with security patches and updates, reducing the chances of vulnerabilities.
  • Automation and Efficiency: SAM software streamlines manual processes, automates routine tasks like license renewals, and provides real-time insights through dashboards and reports, saving time and effort for IT teams.
  • Centralized Management: A good SAM solution offers centralized visibility and control over software assets, making it easier to manage licenses, updates, and compliance across the organization.
  • Integration Capabilities: Integration with other IT management systems like ITSM (IT Service Management) tools or CMDB (Configuration Management Database) allows for a more cohesive IT environment.
  • Scalability: The SAM solution should be scalable to accommodate the growing needs of your organization as it expands.
  • Vendor and Contract Management: Effective SAM solutions can help track vendor information, software contracts, and renewal dates, ensuring that you stay on top of license agreements.
  • Audit Preparation: When facing software audits from software vendors, a SAM solution can provide accurate and up-to-date data, simplifying the audit process and minimizing compliance risks.

Before selecting any SAM solution, it is essential to conduct thorough research, evaluate different options, and consider the specific needs and size of your organization.

We are happy to help you determine if Cubes is right for you, give us a call!: +1 800 342 9388