Top U.S. health officials are forecasting a post-Thanksgiving surge in the ongoing pandemic, according to the New York Times. With incubation times ranging from as little as four days to two weeks, we may be in a calm before the storm. The time for hospitals to prepare for a spike in cases is now, and Tangent is here to help.
Antimicrobial Medical Computers
Hospitals around the country are facing staffing shortages, with the usual source of extra staffing — hospitals in other states — being nearly depleted. Hospitals cannot afford for their staff to fall ill now, and especially if a post-Thanksgiving surge does occur. To combat this, every precaution must be taken. Hospitals are already employing numerous effective protocols to keep their staff safe, but Tangent can offer an extra layer of protection to doctors and nurses.
These essential employees can make use of Tangent’s antimicrobial computers to stay safe and sanitary. Tangent’s antimicrobial computers are medical computers that have been treated with an antimicrobial coating which mitigates the growth of harmful bacteria on the computer’s surface.
This antimicrobial shield can help hospitals stay sanitary. With antimicrobial computers, doctors and nurses can feel safer while using their medical computers. Antimicrobial computers from Tangent also come equipped with IP rated water resistant screens, which can be cleaned with traditional disinfectants.
Make Clerical Tasks Faster
In addition to having antimicrobial properties, Tangent medical computers are lightning fast. Doctors can use Tangent medical computers as easily as they use their own smartphones, thanks to adaptive touch screens. Medical staff can also make use of Tangent’s medical tablets to do vital clerical work while on the move.
All of Tangent’s medical devices are designed to save doctors time, and hospitals money. With Tangent medical computers at your doctor’s side, they can reduce the time spent on clerical tasks and focus their efforts on treating their patients.
Prepare With Tangent
While a vaccine appears on the horizon, hospitals must remain vigilant in their efforts to combat this pandemic. Medical computers from Tangent can help play a vital role in hospitals’ handling of this crisis in a safe and effective manner. Contact Tangent Sales today for more information.