What Computers Do Hospitals Use?

What Computers Do Most Hospitals Use?

Most hospitals use a variety of computer systems and devices to support their operations and provide healthcare services. The specific types of computers and systems used can vary depending on the hospital’s size, budget, and specific needs. Here are some of the common types of computers and systems used in hospitals: Electronic Health Record (EHR) […]

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streamline hospitals with medical PCs

Medical PCs Streamline Hospitals

In today’s fast-paced world, technology plays a crucial role in transforming various industries, and healthcare is no exception. One such groundbreaking innovation that has revolutionized medical practices is the Medical PC. In this blog, we delve into the capabilities, benefits, and potential applications of these advanced computing systems in the healthcare landscape. What is a […]

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Tangent Medical Grade PCs for Pharmacies

Medical Grade PCs For Pharmacy Use

Pharmacies are one of the most important areas in any hospital. While doctors help diagnose patients and recommend medication, it is the pharmacy where these efforts come to a head. However some pharmacists are still lacking in the tools they need to do their job safely and efficiently. Medical grade PCs can help your pharmacists […]

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Tele-Health, Tele-Medicine, and Tele-Patient Appointments On Medical Computers

This pandemic has not only changed the way healthcare operates, but also how it is delivered. Virtual appointments were scarce before 2020, often used as an auxiliary option for patients. Now nearly any appointment that can be done online is. Tele-health, Tele-medicine, Tele-patient appointments all play increasingly important roles in the hospital. Despite their similar […]

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Tangent Medical Computers

3 Workflows That Can Be Replaced With Medical Computers

Hospitals have learned a lot from this pandemic. Doctors, nurses, and medical assistants have all adapted to and overcome numerous challenges. Hospitals themselves were the site of many rapid advancements and have been pushed up years in terms of technological advancements. Yet hospitals’ workflows remain largely unchanged since the beginning of the pandemic. Hospitals should […]

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Better Medical Computer-Aided Diagnosis

Better Medical Computer-Aided Diagnosis

Computer-aided diagnosis is rapidly becoming an integral part of every hospital’s toolbox.While currently primarily used only for immunostaining operations, CAD has many promising prospects for future use. But even now, state-of-the-art hospitals utilize CAD to analyze x-rays, propose diagnoses, and get important second opinions from an unbiased source. Preparing your hospital with the best medical […]

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