Consumer spending is up, and it is looking like demand for consumer goods is once again on the rise. We are nearing pre-pandemic levels of consumer spending on all sorts of goods. But one shining example is the automotive industry, which has seen a drastic increase in demand. To meet this demand, car manufacturers may […]
Tag: Industrial Grade Computer

Top 3 Reasons To Incorporate New Industrial Computers Into Your Factory
Stocks are once again on the rise, approaching a new record. Signs seem to indicate that a quick recovery is in the works, and demand may soon rise. With this in mind, now is the time to plan for how your industrial facility will rescale its production to meet increased demand. One of the best […]

Creating Smart Factories With Industrial Computers
It may seem like everyday, a news outlet discusses the impending smart factory revolution. While this phrase may seem like a buzzword, the smart factory revolution has been underway for some time. Most recently, Alibaba has gotten in on the trend and has begun looking at how they can revolutionize chinese facilities. It’s no secret […]

Industrial Computers For Safe Manufacturing
Infection cases are once again on the rise not just in the U.S. but across the world. With countries like France imposing lockdown restrictions once again, the question of if the U.S. will follow suit has been posed. If the U.S. does reenter a lockdown scenario, is your industrial facility prepared to have workers come […]

Building Autonomous Factories For The Future
The big question on everyone’s mind is if and when AI and robots will be able to take over human workers in factories. While this question doesn’t have an easy answer, there are inklings that such a transformation is just beyond the horizon. recently looked at the Changan car manufacturing facility in China, which […]

Industrial Computers For A Quick Recovery
The world may have seemed to have stopped, but your essential work carries on. Each day factories, refrigerated facilities, and oil rigs help keep our lives stable while we all work to return to a sense of normalcy. These are just a few of the essential businesses keeping everyone well during these times, but keeping […]

The Best In-Vehicle Industrial Computers
There is a lot going on these days, and it can be difficult to focus on the little things. But the little things can quickly build up and turn into larger, overarching challenges for your business to overcome. Keeping your facility up to date with the latest industrial computer technology is one of the best […]

Industrial Grade Computers: Types And Uses
Industrial grade computers are the building blocks of today’s modern factories. Industrial grade computers have helped usher in the next industrial revolution, the smart factory revolution. With the smart factory revolution has come the need for specialized industrial grade computers to fulfill specific niches in the manufacturing process. Tangent has filled these niches with three […]

Industrial Grade Computers For Chemical Processing
Chemical processing and refining plants are some of the most technologically advanced and complex industrial facilities known to man. The changing of one group of compounds into another is a process that requires time, energy, and money. But there is a way to save all three of these during the course of production. With industrial […]

Weatherproof Industrial Computers For Outside And Vehicle Use
While the ongoing pandemic has brought uncertainty to U.S. manufacturers and oil refiners, there is now even more to worry about. As fall approaches, the weather is changing. With the seasonal change comes an unprecedented double hurricane event. Weather phenomena like these are nearly certain to continue occurring as the climate changes. With weatherproof industrial […]