When it comes to repetitive and mundane tasks, workers often experience burnout or a lack of enthusiasm towards their work. This is where industrial PCs can make a difference, automating the repeating tasks of a factory floor and freeing up workers to take on more stimulating jobs. As industrial PC power grows, the ways in […]
Tag: Industrial Computer

A Tablet to Fit Industrial Tasks
The job requirements for an industrial refinery’s quality control inspector are understandably hefty. They are required to monitor mechanical works in progress and evaluate completed work to ensure compliance with applicable codes and safety standards. In their work day, they are often on-site reviewing and comparing mechanical drawings for code compliance and for requirements on […]

Doing A Whole Lot With Very Little (Computers)
To most hourly employees, the work time clock is an annoying, but necessary evil. To payroll departments, it’s the most essential tool in the galaxy. And to IT departments, it’s something that needs to be available in lots of places around the company floor but also, out of the way. Most modern time clock stations […]

Industrial Computers, Silent Workhorses
At first blush, a Tangent Rugged industrial computer looks strikingly like a massive CPU with no fan. The familiar heat dispersing fins and it’s diminutive size are quite deceiving in this way, but it truly is a fully featured industrial computer. Many of the PCs in the Rugged line, like the Rugged Tank, are fanless […]

Rugged Industrial PCs in Agriculture
Rugged Industrial PCs in Agriculture Not many industrial sectors look to technology for efficiency with as much fervor and adoption as agricultural industries. In 1793, the cotton gin machine was patented which immediately contributed to the success of cotton in Southern farms. The industrial revolution of the 1800s brought about many new inventions including the […]

All About Forklift Computers
All About Forklift Computers Forklifts first came about in the early twentieth century and their practical purpose didn’t change much over the years; they picked up freight, moved it from one short distance to another or from ground level to higher storage spaces. Although the forklift’s intended functionality was fairly simplistic, continued warehouse process improvement […]

A Solid Standard for Cleanliness
A Solid Standard for Cleanliness We’ve mentioned ISO standards in the past regarding safety metrics for electrical components like PCs, but did you know that the International Organization for Standards has published well over twenty thousand standards? Their work covers almost every industry, and every aspect of technology and manufacturing, providing guidance and rating […]

A Thin PC That’s No Dummy
A Thin PC That’s No Dummy As far as thin form factor PCs are concerned, the business tech field was dominated for a long time by terminal/thin client computers (also lovingly referred to as dumb terminals) that are used to connect to a Citrix or similar type of application farm, or to a virtual […]

Dressing the Part for Modern Industry
Dressing the Part for Modern Industry Interior design legend, Elise de Wolfe, once said that dressing well is largely a question of detail and accessories. As much as this philosophy applies to fashion and design, it can also be said that a great computer system is largely contingent on the details built into it, versatility […]

Touchscreen Computers – Touching on a Future of Self-Service
Touchscreen Computers – Touching on a Future of Self-Service Over the last couple decades, self service technologies have revolutionized how people conduct business, travel and even receive healthcare services.These technologies have vastly improved efficiency through increased control over service delivery, convenience, reduction in wait time, reduction in operating costs, and flexibility in use. At many […]