Industrial PC Ideal for the Meat Processing Industry In late 2012, the largest beef recall in Canada was prompted by an E. coli outbreak from a meat distributor called XL Foods. Eighteen people became sick, some to the point of needing hospitalization, and more than 4,000 tonnes of beef was recalled from across Canada and […]

All About Forklift Computers
All About Forklift Computers Forklifts first came about in the early twentieth century and their practical purpose didn’t change much over the years; they picked up freight, moved it from one short distance to another or from ground level to higher storage spaces. Although the forklift’s intended functionality was fairly simplistic, continued warehouse process improvement […]

Automobile Manufacturing Automation
Automobile Manufacturing Automation The use of advanced technology in automotive manufacturing has been commonplace since the 1960s when car manufacturers first pioneered the use of industrial robots and then went on to make them standard in car assembly by the 1980s. Having seen tons of videos of robots welding chassis and components together on the […]

POS System for Retail
POS System for Retail I was at a wine tasting event a couple months ago that was run by a wonderful and wine savvy older couple. The selections were phenomenal and the prices couldn’t be beat so I approached their sales desk with several bottles. Much to my surprise, the kindly proprietor pulled out a […]

Booming the Brewing Industry
Booming the Brewing Industry: One Flat Panel PC at a Time We can’t think of a grassroots industry in California that’s had as big a boom as the craft beer industry has in recent years. In 2016, San Diego County alone was home to one hundred and twenty five licensed craft breweries – the most […]

A Solid Standard for Cleanliness
A Solid Standard for Cleanliness We’ve mentioned ISO standards in the past regarding safety metrics for electrical components like PCs, but did you know that the International Organization for Standards has published well over twenty thousand standards? Their work covers almost every industry, and every aspect of technology and manufacturing, providing guidance and rating […]

Working Smart while Looking Smart
Working Smart while Looking Smart The popularity of tablet PCs and smartphones in the last decade or so have ushered in a thrilling era of sleek styling, simplicity, cleanliness, and cordless computing. Wireless internet and wireless charging has especially transformed consumer expectation of computers’ appearance, and it was certainly a welcomed change. I’m not sure […]

A Thin PC That’s No Dummy
A Thin PC That’s No Dummy As far as thin form factor PCs are concerned, the business tech field was dominated for a long time by terminal/thin client computers (also lovingly referred to as dumb terminals) that are used to connect to a Citrix or similar type of application farm, or to a virtual […]

Dressing the Part for Modern Industry
Dressing the Part for Modern Industry Interior design legend, Elise de Wolfe, once said that dressing well is largely a question of detail and accessories. As much as this philosophy applies to fashion and design, it can also be said that a great computer system is largely contingent on the details built into it, versatility […]

Invisible Threats
Invisible Threats Hospital equipment often is advertised as being antimicrobial, but how is it possible for a LCD monitor or tablet computer to ward off pathogens in a medical setting without being wiped down with disinfectants all the time? It seems odd for a collection of plastics and wires to promote any sort of health […]