Industrial PCs have a form factor between a nettop and a server rack and are used to produce products and services. Industrial PCs are higher dependable and precise standards and are generally more expensive than consumer electronics. In addition, IPCs often use complex instruction sets, such as x86, where reduced instruction sets such as ARM would […]
Category: Industrial Computers
What is meant by Industrial PC?
Industrial PC a computer for industrial application. Industrial purposes such as production of services or goods. Industrial PCs have greater reliability and industry standards and typically cost more than consumer grade computers.
Industrial Computers for Indoor and Greenhouse Farming
Tangent offers specialized computers ideal for indoor and greenhouse farming. Humidity, dust, liquids, chemicals, extreme temperature and 24hr redundancy are some of the elements that industrial computers by Tangent were designed to provide. Engineered for Indoor and Greenhouse Farming Industry-specific computers have been custom engineered with components able to physically withstand environmental demands. The Vita […]
Industrial PC: Why Shock Resistance Matters
The office environment is a controlled one. An office has air conditioning, is constantly cleaned, and would never have large industrial equipment in it. Commercial computers fit well into these sorts of environments. But just like you would never see industrial equipment inside an office, you ideally would never see commercial computers in an industrial […]
Industrial PCs: Why Tangent Has Your Best Options
Bottlenecks in shipping have affected consumers and producers alike. With current trends, the supply chain crisis is unlikely to resolve in the near term. Everything from cars to computers is facing delays in production in one form or another. During times like these, companies across all sectors need reliable tools that they can depend on. […]
Medical Grade PCs For Pharmacy Use
Pharmacies are one of the most important areas in any hospital. While doctors help diagnose patients and recommend medication, it is the pharmacy where these efforts come to a head. However some pharmacists are still lacking in the tools they need to do their job safely and efficiently. Medical grade PCs can help your pharmacists […]
Best Medical Grade Computer For Operating Room Use
Operating rooms need to be sterile. While all areas of the hospital benefit from sanitary conditions, Operating rooms demand them. There is no room for error when your surgeons are at work. The wrong medical computer can pose serious risks in the operating room. From harboring bacteria to circulating dust, a non-operating designed medical grade […]
Improving Medical Communications With Medical Tablets
Hospitals have adapted to the challenges brought on by the pandemic. Constant face mask usage, plexiglass barriers, and social distancing guidelines are just a few of the adjustments that hospitals had to enact. The pandemic is nearing an end, but the medical advancements made during this time will continue to help hospitals in their work […]
Medical Computer
Medical Computer. Description of a medical computer. What is a medical computer?
Antimicrobial All-In-One Medical Computers
While vaccination programs are underway throughout the United States, multiple areas are seeing a worrying rise in both cases and hospitalizations. States along the East coast are struggling to further lower their curves, as case numbers remain stagnant. Hospitals around the country need to remain vigilant in their fight against the pandemic. One of the […]