All in One Medical PC

What is a Medical PC All-In-One ?

You’ve heard these device names before: “Medical Computer“, “Medical Tablet“, “Medical Cart“, “Medical PC“.. your understanding of each is pretty fair and well placed; but, “Medical PC All-In-One?!” If your head just exploded or irritation struck, we get it. It’s a mouthful and what exactly is it? A Medical PC All-In-One is actually a well-appointed, […]

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antimicrobial medical computers

Preventing Nosocomial Infections

What Is a Nosocomial Infection? Infections occurring while a person is being treated in a hospital are considered nosocomial infections. Nosocomial infections are of great concern to hospitals, governments, and medical personnel alike as they can have a vast impact on the quality of healthcare provided. Infections such as Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Clostridium difficile […]

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