During these hot summer months, turning on a fan can help you cool off. Fans are everywhere, from residential homes to restaurants and even offices. But while fans certainly have a place in our lives, there is one area they simply don’t belong: medical grade computers. In addition to cooling people off, fans have the […]
Tag: fanless

Top 3 Reasons Why Hospitals Need Medical Grade Computers Now More Than Ever
While it may seem that every medical computer is built the same, this is simply not the case. During this pandemic, hospitals need the absolute best tools to use at their discretion. That’s why Tangent medical computers are designed to be versatile tools built for hospital use. Here are three reasons why hospitals need Tangent […]

Top 3 Reasons To Incorporate New Industrial Computers Into Your Factory
Stocks are once again on the rise, approaching a new record. Signs seem to indicate that a quick recovery is in the works, and demand may soon rise. With this in mind, now is the time to plan for how your industrial facility will rescale its production to meet increased demand. One of the best […]

How Can Industries Bounce Back?
While some sectors of the economy have seen success in their reopening efforts, others have floundered. The industrial sector has been hit hard by the pandemic-induced recession. Keeping your factory or industrial facility afloat during these times may be a challenge, but there are ways that some factories are bouncing back. Manufacturing PPE Some factories […]

What Is Remote Monitoring On Medical Computers?
There is a lot of talk about telehealth these days, and while it has been a vital tool during this pandemic, there have been other medical computer-based solutions that have been overlooked. One such solution is remote monitoring via medical computers, which can help hospitals continue to treat patients without putting them in harm’s way. […]

3 Best Mini PCs For Efficient Industrial Use
When looking for ways to make your factory more efficient, there are a number of options to consider. One of the prime ways to make the most of your facility is to equip it with mini PCs. Mini PCs are small, compact industrial computers that can do the work of larger industrial computers without taking […]

Medical Tablets For Hospital Safety
While phased reopenings in various states continue, the trend of infection cases is only increasing. While this is worrisome on its own, the impact this can have on our healthcare system is not to be underestimated. Keeping patients safe is the priority of every hospital, and in these times this priority is all the more […]

Rugged Mini PCs For Space-Confined Areas
As industries reopen, they may have to rethink the way they use their space. Whether it’s in the industrial space, scientific research, or public safety, nearly every sector can benefit from rethinking the way they use space. Given that social distancing guidelines are likely to stay in place as more businesses open, now is the […]

Tangent: Three Ways For Industry To Bounce Back
As the nation looks towards reopening, industrial sectors around the country will need to rethink how they do business. As our economy recovers, it will be at the expense of sectors unwilling to transform the way they operate. Keeping your business looking toward the future is crucial to maintaining a healthy and successful company. To […]

Medical All-In-One PCs For Full Hospital Use
With the country on the path towards reopening, hospitals have begun transitioning their facilities to accommodate regular appointments and patients. But will patients be willing to return to hospitals during this crisis? More patients than ever are seeing their doctors remotely via telemedicine technologies such as Medical All-In-One PCs. In addition, more Americans than ever […]