As flu season approaches, crafting your hospital’s plan to deal with a potential influx of patients will be crucial to the wellbeing of your community. The combination of the ongoing pandemic and the encroaching flu season, as well as a swelling fire season in the west may combine to cause an uneasy strain on your hospital. Preparing for an emergency is not enough anymore. Hospitals must prepare for multiple emergencies at once, and Tangent is here to help. With Tangent medical computers, hospital resources can be effectively used.
Medical Computers For Field Emergencies
Emergencies can take on many forms, but those in the field are particularly hard on logistics. Organizing life-saving efforts with first responders is already a challenging task, but under the current circumstances it is increasingly difficult. As emergency rooms fill up, hospitals have had to turn away ambulances due to constraints on capacity. What can be done?
Ambulances would not have to be turned away from hospitals if they had an effective system of cataloging events. While this may seem challenging, this can easily be accomplished with medical grade computer tablets from Tangent. Medical computer tablets like the T-13 from Tangent are perfect for first responders, being small and sleek enough to carry while on the go.

First responders can use these tablets to communicate with local hospitals and organize where their patients should go ahead of time.
Medical Computers For The Emergency Room
Of course, quality patient care doesn’t stop when patients arrive at the hospital. Rather, this is where it really begins. As emergency rooms become more impacted, effectively organizing the order of care that patients receive will be vital to everyone’s health.

Tangent’s lineup of medical grade computers are built to be the fastest available, and can help speed up these clerical tasks. Medical computers by tangent are built with fully-sanitizable touchscreens. These touch screens can be used to rapidly input patient data without the use of a mouse or keyboard. With full antimicrobial coatings, Tangent’s medical computers are an all-in-one solution to medical data entry that is both HIPAA certified and pathogen mitigating.
Medical Computers For The Intensive Care Unit
Where medical computers from Tangent can be of most use is in the intensive care unit. ICUs can quickly reach capacity as we have seen during the pandemic. To combat this, careful observation and analysis of patients can help alleviate some of the burden on your ICU. Medical computers can help doctors take detailed notes on a patient’s health during their stay in the ICU. This data can then be later compared to others who may need to enter the ICU, and decisions can be fairly made. With medical computers, this data can be easily recorded in multiple formats, as well as shared and accessed easily from anywhere in the hospital.
Be Prepared With Tangent
These are unpredictable times, but they don’t have to be uncertain ones. Tangent can help take over some of the logistics of the pandemic, and leave your doctors free to do their real job: keeping patients safe and healthy. Contact Tangent Sales today for more information.