When making a new network for your facility, there are many things to consider. Should you invest in smart factory infrastructure entirely? How many networks should your factory have? How many switches and routers do you need? While these are some of the most pressing questions, the question of the actual computers that will comprise […]
Category: Industrial Computer
Customizable Panel PCs For Every Use
It’s not everyday that you decide to update your facility’s legacy equipment, and there’s a lot of questions to be considered. Should you focus on buying hardware for specific tasks, or instead purchase multipurpose units that can be used in various situations? While each side has its benefits and downsides, a compromise between the two […]
Industrial Computers For Dusty Environments
While some industrial spaces restrict the amount of dust circulating throughout the facility, the matter of the fact is that most industrial facilities harbor dust and other pollutants. While workers can easily avoid this dust, their industrial computers may not be as lucky. Typical industrial computers require outside air be brought into the case in […]
Panel Computer- Industrial Panel Computer
When it comes to the industrial sector, having the right industrial computer for the job is crucial to maintaining a productive facility. That’s why at Tangent, we thoroughly examine every possible role that our high performance industrial computers can play in a facility and design them accordingly. At Tangent, we examine industry trends and needs […]
Electric Vehicle Usage On The Rise
The use of electric cars is quickly becoming commonplace around the globe, with the adoption of such vehicles being seen in nearly every industrialized country. In 2018 alone, the amount of electric vehicles in use nearly doubled from the previous year to 5.1 million according to the International Energy Agency, an autonomous intergovernmental organization. […]
Optimizing Your Warehouse Picking
Gone are the days where warehouses saw multiple workers crowded around a belt, placing SKUs on products and referring to inventory sheets. With today’s Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), industrial computers have taken over the bulk of SKU tracking and allowed for picking to become the dominant money sink, taking up as much as 63% of […]
Fanless Industrial PCs For Every Sector
Industrial PCs have come a long way since their original implementation, and the rise of the internet has made these Industrial PCs both invaluable and necessary tools for every industrial sector. In a time where productivity is falling in the factory setting, the concerted use of industrial PCs to create smart factories is proving to […]
Industrial Grade PC-Tangent Industrial Grade PC
Winter is one of the best seasons, allowing for friends and family alike to gather together and enjoy one another’s company. These sorts of festivities are only bolstered by the cold weather, which promotes people staying indoors and keeping warm. While winter may be fun for people, it presents a unique challenge to the industrial […]
How Can Stress Be Reduced In The Industrial Workplace? Industrial Grade PCs May Hold The Key.
Stress impacts us in a variety of different ways. From our relationships with others to our quality of sleep, stress limits our ability to function at our prime. When workers bring stress into the job site, it can lead to a drastic increase in accidents in the workplace. According to Dr. David Spiegel, a medical […]
Will Automation Take Over Manufacturing?
It’s a both awe-inspiring, and terrifying prospect: a fully automated factory. While there are debates surrounding the use of such facilities, a fully automated facility is still some time away. Scott Anderson, director of Amazon Robotics Fulfillment recently said in an interview with Reuters that the technology needed to automate an entire Amazon facility was […]