Industrial PCs have come a long way since their original implementation, and the rise of the internet has made these Industrial PCs both invaluable and necessary tools for every industrial sector. In a time where productivity is falling in the factory setting, the concerted use of industrial PCs to create smart factories is proving to […]
Author: Michelle

How Much RAM Do I Need in My Industrial PC?
When shopping for new industrial PCs, there are many important factors to consider. CPU age and clock speed, hard drive space, and availability of I/O ports are all crucial considerations to make when deciding on the equipment that will keep your facility running in the years to come. But one critical, and usually overlooked, aspect […]

How Touchscreen Computers Can Aid Early Detection Efforts
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer are two of the leading causes of death globally, and the combat of these conditions is critical to improving general public health. The best methods of treating such diseases rely on the early detection of these medical issues, which is not always possible. Early detection efforts can be stalled by […]

The Importance Of Digital Health Records
In no other field is staying on the edge of technology as important as it is in the medical field. Each day, new advances in medical technology are helping people live longer, happier lives. While some technology can assist in diagnosing, patient care, or even surgery, we should not overlook the clerical side of technology […]

Medical Monitors For Better Telemedicine
While we would all like to meet our doctors in person for our personal care, this is not always possible. Patients with disabling conditions, those bed ridden, and others who are simply too sick to come into the doctor’s office for a visit may feel alienated from the care they have come to expect from […]

The Smart Factory May Save U.S. Manufacturing
It’s no secret that U.S. manufacturing has been in a steady decline in recent years. Outsourcing, cost of labor, and other factors have made the price of manufacturing in the U.S. soar. But this trend may soon reverse, as a survey by Deloitte and the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation (MAPI) suggests, thanks in […]

Industrial Grade PC-Tangent Industrial Grade PC
Winter is one of the best seasons, allowing for friends and family alike to gather together and enjoy one another’s company. These sorts of festivities are only bolstered by the cold weather, which promotes people staying indoors and keeping warm. While winter may be fun for people, it presents a unique challenge to the industrial […]

Give Your Patients The Face-To-Face Time They Need
Face-To-Face: The Patient’s Preference It almost goes without saying that as social creatures, people love talking to people. But in today’s modern world, machines and automation are taking the human element out of many sectors of the economy, leading people to feel isolated from the institutions they rely upon. Nowhere else is this as pronounced […]

How Can Stress Be Reduced In The Industrial Workplace? Industrial Grade PCs May Hold The Key.
Stress impacts us in a variety of different ways. From our relationships with others to our quality of sleep, stress limits our ability to function at our prime. When workers bring stress into the job site, it can lead to a drastic increase in accidents in the workplace. According to Dr. David Spiegel, a medical […]

Will Automation Take Over Manufacturing?
It’s a both awe-inspiring, and terrifying prospect: a fully automated factory. While there are debates surrounding the use of such facilities, a fully automated facility is still some time away. Scott Anderson, director of Amazon Robotics Fulfillment recently said in an interview with Reuters that the technology needed to automate an entire Amazon facility was […]