Medical Computers With Over 8GB Of Ram

Medical PCs With Large Amounts Of RAM

As the years go by, computers of all kinds only seem to get faster. Computing trends have largely followed Moore’s Law, which states that the transistor density of processors doubles every two years. In non-technical terms, this generally means that computers should double in speed in the same time period. But one of the consequences […]

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Medical PCs uses

4 Uses For Medical PCs In The Hospital

The pandemic threw hospital budgets into disarray last year. Elective surgeries were cancelled, and hospitals had to make tough decisions about where to make cuts. Major equipment purchases may have been stalled or delayed. While the pandemic has continued on this year, your hospital cannot afford to delay acquiring vital new equipment like medical PCs. […]

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Easy Self-Service Kiosks For Hospital Use

How does your hospital handle patient check-ins? Often hospitals rely on medical assistants or front desk attendants to check patients in. Simple check-ins do not require taking up these worker’s time. Self-service Kiosks that utilize medical computers can help your hospital automate patient check-ins, leaving your medical staff with more time to answer patient questions, […]

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