Your dentistry practice has no doubt gone through changes in the last year. The pandemic has updened how everyone does business. But the medical fields have been particularly touched. Dentists around the country have implemented new safety procedures to ensure their patients and staff remain safe. But what about your medical equipment? Does it promote a safe and healthy environment? Some medical grade PCs are better than others for keeping you as a dentist safe and productive.
Antimicrobial Medical Grade PCs
The pandemic has affected dentists in a much more direct way than other medical professionals. Dentistry patients must open their mouths in order to receive care, and keep them open. This can potentially lead to the spread of the virus throughout a practice. By simply breathing, patients can accidentally coat entire rooms with the virus.

While some medical grade PCs would have to remain coated throughout the day, others differ. The M24T from Tangent is IP rated for water resistance. The front panel, as well as the body of the computer, are fully washable with traditional cleaning detergents. Staff can routinely and safely clean the M24T after every patient without causing damage to the unit.
For an added layer of protection, each medical grade PC from Tangent comes equipped with an antimicrobial coating. This coating mitigates the growth of harmful bacteria across the computer’s surfaces. While this system does not reduce the spread of viruses, it can help reduce the risk of other infections in your practice.
Easily Mounted
Medical Grade PCs need to be versatile, especially in a dentistry practice. Nearly every one of Tangent’s medical computers is fully mountable on standard VESA mounts. VESA mounts are one of the most common standards currently in use, and your practice no doubt already uses this system.
Tangent has a full guide on how to mount their medical grade PCs in a variety of situations. They can even be mounted on medical arms.
Upgrade With Tangent
Tangent strives to help all medical professionals in their invaluable endeavors, including every dentist. No doubt your dentistry practice has adapted to this pandemic. Now is the time to not only survive, but thrive. Learn more by contacting Tangent Sales today.