Bottlenecks in shipping have affected consumers and producers alike. With current trends, the supply chain crisis is unlikely to resolve in the near term. Everything from cars to computers is facing delays in production in one form or another. During times like these, companies across all sectors need reliable tools that they can depend on. […]
Tag: industry 4.0

Building Autonomous Factories For The Future
The big question on everyone’s mind is if and when AI and robots will be able to take over human workers in factories. While this question doesn’t have an easy answer, there are inklings that such a transformation is just beyond the horizon. recently looked at the Changan car manufacturing facility in China, which […]

“Lighthouse Factories” And How They Use Industrial Computers
This year has been hitting the industrial sector hard, but with demand surging for items such as automobiles there is still hope for the sector to bounce back. But some factories have still seen growth in their productivity during these trying times, making use of the latest technology like industrial grade computers to stay on […]

Industrial Grade Computers For Chemical Processing
Chemical processing and refining plants are some of the most technologically advanced and complex industrial facilities known to man. The changing of one group of compounds into another is a process that requires time, energy, and money. But there is a way to save all three of these during the course of production. With industrial […]