Prevent Corporate E-Mail Spoofing and Spam with DMARC Director

Email is a cornerstone of corporate communication, however, this essential tool is frequently targeted by cybercriminals through methods such as email spoofing and spamming. Corporate email spoofing involves sending emails that appear to be from a legitimate source but are actually from an attacker. This method is used to trick recipients into divulging sensitive information, such as passwords or financial details. Spamming, on the other hand, involves sending unsolicited emails, often for advertising purposes, but can also be used for more nefarious activities like phishing and spreading malware.

The Threat of Corporate Email Spoofing and Spamming

The impact of email spoofing and spamming on corporations can be substantial.

According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), business email compromise (BEC) scams, which often involve spoofing, resulted in losses exceeding $1.8 billion in 2020 alone. (1)

Another study by Proofpoint highlighted that 83% of organizations experienced email-based phishing attacks in the same year . These statistics underscore the prevalence and severity of email threats facing businesses today. (2)

Corporate email spoofing not only jeopardizes sensitive data but also damages the reputation of the affected organization. Customers and partners who fall victim to such attacks might lose trust in the company, leading to long-term reputational harm. Moreover, the legal implications and potential financial penalties for failing to protect personal data can be significant.

How DMARC Director Can Help

To combat these threats, organizations need a robust email security strategy. This is where DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) Director comes into play. DMARC is an email validation system designed to protect email domains from being used for spoofing. It builds on existing email authentication techniques such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail).

DMARC Director simplifies the implementation and management of DMARC policies.

Here’s DMARC Director how it can help:

  1. Enhanced Email Authentication: DMARC Director ensures that only authorized senders can use your domain. By leveraging SPF and DKIM, it verifies the sender’s identity, thereby preventing spoofing attempts.
  2. Comprehensive Reporting: One of the key features of DMARC Director is its detailed reporting capability. It provides insights into how your email domain is being used, including identifying unauthorized use. This visibility helps in promptly addressing any issues.
  3. Improved Deliverability: By implementing DMARC, legitimate emails are less likely to be marked as spam, improving email deliverability. This ensures that important communications reach their intended recipients.
  4. Simplified Management: DMARC Director offers an easy-to-use interface for setting up and managing DMARC policies. This simplifies the process, even for organizations without extensive IT resources.
  5. Protection Against Phishing: With DMARC Director, the chances of phishing emails reaching your employees or customers are significantly reduced. This helps in safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining trust.

Proactively Prevent Email Fraud

Email spoofing and spamming are real threats that can have severe consequences for businesses. The statistics highlight the urgent need for robust email security measures. DMARC Director provides a comprehensive solution to these problems, ensuring enhanced email authentication, detailed reporting, improved deliverability, and protection against phishing.

If you’re concerned about the security of your corporate email and want to protect your organization from spoofing and spamming, consider implementing DMARC Director. For more information or to get started, please contact us at Tangent. Our experts are ready to help you safeguard your email communications and maintain the integrity of your brand.

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  1. FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center. (2020). Business Email Compromise: The $26 Billion Scam. Retrieved from FBI IC3
  2. Proofpoint. (2020). The Human Factor 2020 Report. Retrieved from Proofpoint