Medical AI Tools are rapidly becoming mainstream features in hospitals, especially during this pandemic. These tools can help doctors make diagnosis, or simply advise them on treatment plans. Recently, the Health and Human Services Secretary, Alex Azar, proposed permanently ending FDA oversight on certain medical AI tools. Azar is recommending the end to this oversight in part because there are few complaints against Medical AI Tools. But is this truly the case?
Medical AI Tools During The Pandemic
Like many procedures, FDA oversight has looked very different during the pandemic. Many medical products and tools that regularly receive oversight have been granted emergency approval, including PPE and Medical AI Tools.
But due to the nature of using Medical AI Tools, the lack of complaints against them should not be taken at face value. Doctors will use Medical AI Tools to help guide them to making a diagnosis, and thus patients will only hear from their doctors about their diagnosis. There is rarely time where a patient will directly know about, or form opinions on Medical AI Tools.
Should Hospitals Use Medical AI Tools If They Do Not Have Oversight?
The question of whether or not certain Medical AI Tools will receive oversight is still up in the air. Ultimately, the decision will fall upon the incoming Biden Administration, who will have the final say. Currently, the proposal includes 91 products, including PPE, that can potentially receive exemption from oversight.
With Medical AI Tools, oversight may be something that hospitals would want to see remain the standard. Medical AI Tools have been found to cause hospitals to become worse at detecting illnesses like breast cancer. Research has found that some breast imaging software has not improved certain hospitals’s ability to detect breast cancer.
However, it’s worth noting that this particular software came out in 1998. Medical AI Tools, and AI in general, are becoming more advanced with each passing day. With this in mind, alleviating pressure on certain Medical AI Tools to be constantly overseen may help bolster medical innovation.
In either case, Medical AI Tools have found themselves to be indispensable in the hospital, and during this pandemic. The FDA has previously admitted Medical AI Tools emergency-use status for the pandemic, showing how critical these tools have become. With or without oversight, Medical AI Tools will continue to be used in the hospital, and your hospital should be ready.

Running Medical AI Tools takes a powerful computer, and Tangent has a large selection to choose from. From the widescreen M24T medical computer to the blackout-resistant E24B, Tangent has your computing needs covered. Contact Tangent’s Medical Computer department today to speak with an expert on how to effectively set up Medical AI Tools in your hospital.